Books & Publications

Learning to Learn and the Navigation of Moods: The Meta-Skill for the Acquisition of Skills
by Gloria P Flores
One of the most important skills we need to develop for ourselves and for our children is the skill of learning to learn. But what is this skill? How do we learn to learn? What gets in our way? Gloria Flores explores these questions and claims that learning to learn requires that we first learn to navigate the moods that we routinely fall into during the learning process.
Conversations For Action and Collected Essays
by Fernando Flores
An exploration into language as the fundamental basis for business, software, and education. Written in the 1980s and later compiled by Maria Flores.
Understanding Computers and Cognition
by Terry Winograd, Fernando Flores
Named as the Best Information Science of 1987 by the American Society for Information Science, and recognized by Byte Magazine as one of the all time 20 most influential books on Information Technology.
Building Trust in Business, Politics, Relationships and Life
by Robert C. Solomon, Fernando Flores
"This is a sensible and inspirational guide for business leaders who want to build vibrant, living enterprises of the future." - Lynn Johnson, Managing Director of Membership, American Management Association. Oxford University Press, 2001.
Disclosing New Worlds
by Hubert L. Dreyfus, Fernando Flores, Charles Spinoza
Described by the Financial Times as a "brave attempt to reformulate the relationship between democratic rights and economic progress in an age when the triumphalism of technological advance masks an unconfident vision of the future."
Javi's Opportunity Manual Soft Cover: A Kid's Guide To Making Things Happen
by Maria Flores Letelier, J.L.Flores
Through her reflections, Javi shows children how language and conversations – the simple and taken-for-granted acts of empathetic listening and active speaking – can make opportunity happen.
Entrepreneurship and Wired Life
by Fernando Flores, John Gray
Work in the wake of careers.
Business, Technological, and Social Dimensions of Computer Games: Multidisciplinary Developments
by Fernando Flores, Peter J. Denning, Gloria P Flores
Chapter 25: Pluralistic Coordination